Everything about Tooling & Fooling.
Shell & Enhancements
Better command lines for windows:
- Microsoft Terminal
The new Windows Terminal - Ghostty – the new Kid in town for Mac and Linux users.
A new, modern and fast terminal emulator. - Kitty – GPU accelerated.
Some terminals I tried but didn’t stick with me – but had some nice approaches:
Drawing and Visualizing
- Draw a diagram in your code using PlantUML
- Draw a diagram with Diagrams (draw.io)
- Draw a diagram that looks like hand-drawn Excalidraw
- Use proven templates like arc42
- Very cool render server for different things: kroki.io
- Visualize your ideas with code using motioncanvas.io
also see what we collected on cultureascodemanifesto.org
Collaboration Tools
- miro
collaboration tools for agile and product development – like scrum retrospectives, user story maps and so on. - Atlassian
famous for JIRA the issue tracker, but offers also a version control server, ci server and a wiki. also owner of Trello. - domorobo.to
online service to help with various workshop formats to make them work in an online setup.
Template Engines
- Thymeleaf
Java library with an optional Spring MVC module. - Apache Velocity
- Closure Tools (SOY Templates)
Server and client side template engine. Also used in Confluence Plugins. - htmx.org
PDF / Word generation
- Aspose Libraries
creating word and excel fiels with Java.
Thinking helpers
- a collection of frameworks and tools and what not is available at untools.
Setting up Postfix on Debian / Ubuntu: workaround.org
Server-Administration via Browser: Webmin
Email-Server Solution: iRedMail
Useful Git Aliases
To learn more about git consider playing around with the visual cheat sheet. if you want to know more on branching try the interactive demo of pcottle. On the Atlassian site there is also a nice git tutorial available.
checkout all branches
git config --global alias.clone-branches '! git branch -a | sed -n "/\/HEAD /d; /remotes/p;" | xargs -L1 git checkout -t'
So «git clone-branches» will create a local branch of all remote branches (useful when moving a Git repository to a new origin).
git push origin --all
git push origin --tags
list tracked branches
alias.track=!sh -c "
if [ \$# -eq 2 ]
echo \"Setting tracking for branch \" \$1 \" -> \" \$2;
git branch --set-upstream \$1 \$2;
git for-each-ref --format=\"local: %(refname:short) <--sync--> remote: %(upstream:short)\" refs/heads && echo --URLs && git remote -v;
" -
Configure your Shell Prompt
- Use bashrcgenerator to create a .bashrc file (for the famous Bash Shell)
- For the Fish Shell you can start fish_config to configure the shell via a browser.
- Sharing passwords in a team using gopass.
Migrate from Subversion to Git
Although git comes with a subversion checkout, it lacks support for clean tags and branches (as subversion does not really have tags). I converted svn repositories to git ones with better results using SVN2GIT from the KDE project. Sample rules can be found in their GitHub repo.