Here we maintain an [ ] of knowledge, articles, videos and links related to software development.
Domain Driven Design (DDD)
If you are looking for a software development method that helps you to tackle complex business domains – look no further!
Continuous Delivery
How to live in a world of madness?! Some tips & tricks on how to automate and which pillars you ram in and which you rely on.
Java, Kotlin, JVM, Code
All code and coding related topics. With a JVM focus but there is more (like code analysis)
Onion-, Hexagonal-, Clean-Architecture
Another must know set of properties can be found at (Self-contained Systems (SCS).
Some more good principles to consider would be the The Twelve-Factor App.
Methods and Techniques
What to do when questions or issues arise that are not solved in a coffee break or short roundup. Here I collect the things that help to tackle tasks one might feel not being software development related. They are still here for a reason.
Process, Methods
The agile manifesto
if you work with agile methods, scrum or something similar, you should have read this at least once
the tools in the cloud native computing foundation, their activity and maturity
Application Bootstrapping (Quick Start)
- Spring Intializr
- contains node.js based generators to kickstart a project.