Wouldn’t it be amazing if you can deliver the right software to your customer that they can understand and follow?
Agile software development has gained a lot of traction in recent years. Yet still, teams struggle with freedom and responsibility. Behavior-driven development also referred to as BDD enables everyone involved in the project to easily engage with the product development cycle. It helps to stay on the path to get to the right decision to build not only software right but also building the right software.

In BDD users, testers and developers write test cases together in simple text files. These test cases are scenarios that are examples of how the software is supposed to behave. The shared scenarios help team members to understand what is going on. They are used during a long period of a cycle starting with the specification, helping during implementation and design, and can even fill feature completion reports.
BDD is a software development approach that brings users, testers, and developers together to create test cases in a simple text language. It also comes along with methods to go beyond just specification files and just another test utility. It brings methods to improve transparency and traceability into an agile team.
Do you want to learn how to deliver better software to your customers?
Check out the workshop for further details.